Message from Hospital Superintendent

Dr. Hiren N. Raval (M.D.) Ayu.
Hospital Superintendent
Sardar Ayurvedic College and Hospital

It’s my privilege and pleasure to be the medical superintendent of Sardar Ayurveda College and Hospital. It is 100 bedded hospital with highly qualified consultants, supportive medical and paramedical staff, attached with Sardar Ayurveda College. The hospital is structured with all required clinical department with round of clock service of OPD, IPD, OT and clinical laboratory with highest accreditation standards in structural and administrative operating procedure. We feel proud to be successful management of several difficult clinical conditions with simple and economical measures.

Sardar ayurvedic hospital addresses the ever growing demand for quality health care. I as a medical superintendent feel a sense of fulfilment noting that its services are reaching and helping the needy segments of the population throughout the Nation.

It is committed to highest level of patient satisfaction healthcare by our staff through continual improvement by ensuring evidence based clinical practice.

On the basis of good knowledge, skill and morale we ensure that our students are to be groomed to be confident, disciplined, ethically aware and socially responsible.

I look forward to welcoming you and being part of your life journey in this most honourable and rewarding profession.


Kayachikitsa Dept


Panchakarma Dept


Kaumarbhritya dept


Shalya Dept


Shalakya Dept




Swasthvrita Dept


Agadtantra Dept